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Tips for Working from Home

Working from home certainly has its share of perks. Your schedule is more flexible, you don’t have to worry about a commute and you have total control over your work environment.

But for all of its benefits, working from home also comes with several challenges. Use these tips to stay happy, focused and on task when you’re away from the office.

- Set a schedule. While some flexibility is good, if you don’t set a schedule, you’ll never accomplish what you need to. It doesn’t have to be a strict 9:00-5:00 kind of thing, but some structure is absolutely necessary.

- Create a separate space. If you’re trying to work where you eat, sleep, watch Netflix or play with your kids, those distractions will be far too tempting. Designate a small area of your home to be your official workplace.

- Dress for success. Staying in pajamas all day is definitely nice, but it’s not doing your productivity any favors. Try to find a happy medium between sweatpants and a business suit so you can be comfortable while still maintaining a professional state-of-mind.

- Change up your location. Is a 2:00 pm nap calling your name? Don’t let a mid-afternoon slump derail you. Find a coffee shop with wifi and work there for the rest of the day. Being around other people will recreate a more office-like setting and give you the extra productivity boost you need.